Wednesday, September 2, 2009

heyah mama...

heyah dada, i do it, i got it, all gone, all done, and liiiiyiii (Lily)are a few of kennedy's new words. she will also repeat just about anything you tell her to as long as it isn't longer than 3 words. she can now take her shoes on and off all by herself, and thinks that anytime we walk out the back door that we are all going to "swin" in the "puuul". i never thought i would be able to speak toddler, but have found myself catching on rather quickly! it is pretty funny to listen to her talk because she talks like a miniature thomas -- accent and all. ;-) dooah (door) - suuah (sure) - for some strange reason anything she says that has an "r" in it sounds just like someone from new england... i guess she is holding dear to her "chowdahead" roots! ;-)

1 comment:

Heather said...

That is amazing! They grow so fast! Now you've got to watch what you say. ;o)