Tuesday, February 17, 2009

gaga was here...

my mom was here this past weekend. she flew in on thursday and left last night. it was so good to see her! kennedy calls her ga-ga. she says papa just fine, and used to say nana, but now she calls her gaga. it is so precious! we had a good time during her visit. today is thomas' 40th birthday, and we threw him a little surprise party on saturday. he had NO idea anything was going on. we put oysters on the grill, shrimp and ribs. it was a feast!

this is her new serious face...

just outta the bathtub... she loved her bath!

sporting the new hat from papa

happy birthday, thomas!

we all wore name tags... thomas didn't like them very much!

my mom bought kennedy these drums that are for the bath. she wore them as a hat all night! thomas said she looked just like divo!

posing with gaga

running errands...
she has a pair of pink sunglasses that she wears when it is really bright outside. with the snow on the ground, there is a blinding glare no matter where you look. i will have to post a picture of her in her shades. she even leaves them on!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In that last picture, Kennedys eyes are so beautiful, crysal blue!!! Your mom looks good girl...she hasn't aged abit since high school. Fountain of Youth.